Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bowlers who left their mark in IPL-4

New Delhi: Although considered the batsmen's game, Twenty20 has proved to be a happy hunting ground for bowlers who use their skills and have the patience of a saint. Indian Premier League is one such arena where bowlers used the best in their armory to fox the batsmen. Here are the pick of the bowlers who either bamboozled the batsmen with their pace or outplayed them with their spin.

Lasith Malinga (Mumbai Indians): When he sends down yorkers at 150 kph, there is little that a batsman can do except saving their toes from getting crushed. Malinga has spearheaded Mumbai's bowling attack with his lethal pace and provided his outfit much-needed breakthroughs, both at the start and death. His wickets tally of 27 is by far the best that can neither be touched nor matched by any other bowler.

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